13. Describe the structure of the following with the help of labelled diagrams.
13. Describe the structure of the following with the help of labelled diagrams.

(i) Nucleus (ii) Centrosome


i) The nucleus is a double-membraned structure with an oval or spherical shape that contains the genetic material. The nuclear envelope, nuclear matrix, nucleoplasm, nucleolus, and chromatin are the five components.

Nuclear envelope – The nuclear pore, a double membrane nuclear envelope with microscopic pores in the membrane that act as a route for things to flow in and out of the nucleus, confines the nucleus. The outer membrane, which also includes the ribosomes, is attached to the endoplasmic reticulum.

Nucleoplasm – It is the fluid that fills the nucleus and contains enzymes, nucleosides, proteins, and other components that help the genetic material work. The chromatin filaments and nucleolus are also embedded.

Chromatin – They are a fine network of thread-like structures found inside the nucleus that hold DNA and a few basic proteins such as histones, RNA, and non-histone proteins. During cell division, these chromatin fibres condense to create the chromosomes.

Nucleolus – They are spherical, lightly uneven, naked structures that manufacture ribosome subunits and are connected to the chromatin. Proteins are produced by them.

(ii) Centrosome

  • Is made up of two cylindrical structures called centrioles that are perpendicular to one another and grouped in the shape of a cartwheel.
  • Engirdled by amorphous pericentriolar materials
  • Consists of 9 tubulin protein peripheral fibrils that are uniformly spaced, each of which is a triplet with neighbouring triplets joined together.
  • The centriole’s centre is a proteinaceous hub that is connected to the triplets by radial spokes.
  • It is critical during cell division as it organizes the spindle fibres and astral rays