Write the component statements of the following compound statements and check whether the compound statement is true or false: (i) To enter into a public library children need an identification card from the school or a letter from the school authorities. (ii) All rational numbers are real and all real numbers are not complex.
Write the component statements of the following compound statements and check whether the compound statement is true or false: (i) To enter into a public library children need an identification card from the school or a letter from the school authorities. (ii) All rational numbers are real and all real numbers are not complex.


(i) The components of the compound statement are:

P: To get into a public library children need an identity card.

Q: To get into a public library children need a letter from the school authorities.

Both P and Q are true.

The compound statement is true.

(ii) The components of the compound statement are:

P: All rational number is real.

Q: All real numbers are not complex.

P is true and Q is false then P and Q both are False.

The compound statement is False