Give a suitable explanation for the following:
Give a suitable explanation for the following:

1. A higher rate of transpiration is recorded on a windy day rather than on a calm day.

2. Excessive transpiration results in the wilting of the leaves.

3. Water transpired is the water absorbed.

4. More transpiration occurs from the lower surface of a dorsiventral leaf.

5. Cork and bark of trees help in preventing loss of water.

6. Perspiration and transpiration help to cool the body temperature of the organism.

7. On a bright sunny day, the leaves of certain plants roll up.


1. Transpiration increases with the speed of the air. If the wind blows quickly, the vapor released during transpiration is quickly removed and the area outside the leaf does not get saturated with water vapor.

2. The leaves of certain plants will wither during the day and regenerate in the evening. In some plants, e.g. balsam, the leaves of plants will wither during the day despite the abundance of water in the soil. In such cases, the transpiration rate during the day exceeds that of the root system. Cells, therefore, lose their turgidity. Thus, excessive breathing causes the leaves to fall off.

3. All plants continue to absorb water through their roots. This water is carried upwards through the trunk and is distributed to all parts of the plants including the leaves. Only a small amount of this water (about 2%) is used by the plant for photosynthesis and other activities. Everything else is almost lost like water vapor due to transpiration.

4. Most transpiration occurs from the lower part of the dorsiventral leaf. There is an opening of the upper abdomen in the lower part of the dorsiventral leaf and therefore, most of the discharge comes from the lower area.

5. Cork and tree bark help prevent water loss. As the cork and bark of the trees are the tissues of the old stem with the stem. The bark is thick with an outer layer made of dead cells and cork is naturally hydrophobic. These structures make them waterproof which is why they prevent flexibility.

6. The perspiration and transpiration help to cool the body temperature. In both sweating and breathing, water is lost through evaporation from the body as water evaporates. This evaporation lowers body temperature and brings cooling to the body.

7. Many plants and especially those that grow in dry climates have evolved from the ever-changing evolution of cortical transpiration. On a bright sunny day, the transpiration rate is much higher than on other days. The leaves of some plants are folded on a bright day, and in some cases, the leaves may be wavy, folded to reduce the visible area.