1. Why Neanderthal man and modern man belong to two distinct species?
1. Why Neanderthal man and modern man belong to two distinct species?


Neanderthal ManModern man
1. Neanderthal men were successor of Homo erectus1. Modern man has evolved from Cro-Magnon man at the end of the tip of the last geological period.
2. Their cranial capacity was about 1450 cm33. Their cranial capacity was about 1450 cm3 to 1600 cm3
3. These exhibit absolute bipedalism.3. Bipedal locomotion, with four reversed curves within  the spine.
4. large head, broad – flat and sloping forehead.4. Upright head, skull on top of the vertebral column, forehead steep.
5. outstanding brow ridges, nearly no chin and fewer hair on the body 5. Reduced brow ridges, well developed and outstanding chin. Hair on limbs and body extremely reduced.