Legitimize the situation of hydrogen in the intermittent table based on its electronic design.
Legitimize the situation of hydrogen in the intermittent table based on its electronic design.


The first component in the occasional table is hydrogen. Hydrogen shows double conduct since it has just 1 electron on its one ‘S’ shell.(i.e.,) hydrogen takes after the two incandescent light and salt metals.


\[Electronic\text{ }design\text{ }of\text{ }hydrogen\text{ }=\text{ }\left[ 1s1 \right]\]

Hydrogens likeness with soluble base metals:


Hydrogen has 1 valence electron on its valency shell like salt metals.



\left[ He \right]\text{ }2s\text{ }1\text{ }\text{ }Li  \\

~  \\

1s1\text{ }\text{ }H  \\

~  \\

\left[ Ne \right]\text{ }3s1\text{ }\text{ }Na  \\


In this way, to frame a uni positive particle, it can lose one of its electron.


To frame halides, oxides and sulfides, it consolidates with electro – ve components which is equivalent to salt metals.


Hydrogens likeness with incandescent light:


Just 1 electron is needed to finish their separate octets for both the halogen and hydrogen.



H\text{ }:\text{ }1s\text{ }1  \\

~  \\

F\text{ }:\text{ }1s\text{ }2\text{ }2s\text{ }2\text{ }2p\text{ }5  \\

~  \\

Cl\text{ }:\text{ }1s\text{ }2\text{ }2s\text{ }3\text{ }2p\text{ }6\text{ }3s\text{ }2\text{ }3p\text{ }5  \\

~  \\


It frames a few covalent mixtures and diatomic atoms like incandescent lamp. Despite the fact that hydrogen has a specific likenesses among both halogen and salt metal, it contrasts from them. Hydrogen will not have metallic qualities; it has higher ionization enthalpy and responds not as much as incandescent lamp.


Because of these reasons, hydrogen cannot be supplanted with antacid metal of first gathering or with the incandescent lamp of second gathering. In this way, it is ideal to put hydrogen separate in the intermittent table.