Mr. Pankaj took Health Insurance Policy for his family and paid Rs. 900 as SGST. Find the total annual premium paid by him for this policy, rate of GST being 18%.
Mr. Pankaj took Health Insurance Policy for his family and paid Rs. 900 as SGST. Find the total annual premium paid by him for this policy, rate of GST being 18%.

We should consider that the all out yearly premium paid by Mr. Pankaj be \[Rs.\text{ }X.\]

Then, at that point, from the inquiry


18percent\text{ }of\text{ }X\text{ }=\text{ }SGST\text{ }+\text{ }CGST  \\

18percent\text{ }of\text{ }X\text{ }=\text{ }1800\text{ }\left[ as\text{ }SGST\text{ }=\text{ }CGST \right]  \\


Along these lines, \[18/100*\text{ }X\text{ }=\text{ }1800\]

\[X\text{ }=\text{ }Rs.\text{ }10,000\]

Consequently, the all out yearly premium paid by him for the arrangement is \[Rs.\text{ }10,000\]