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7. Mitosis results in producing two cells which are similar to each other. What would be the consequence if each of the following irregularities occur during mitosis?
a. Nuclear membrane fails to disintegrate
b. Duplication of DNA does not occur
c. Centromeres do not divide
d. Cytokinesis does not occur


(a) The spindle fibers would be unable to reach chromosomes if the nuclear membrane failed to dissolve. As a result, chromosomes would be unable to reach the cell’s opposite poles.

(b) If DNA duplication does not occur, the cell may be unable to progress to the M phase. The cell cycle will come to an end as a result of this and the cell will enter an inactive stage called the G0 stag.

(c) If the centromeres do not divide, one of the daughter cells will receive a complete pair of chromosomes while the other will receive none.

(d) If cytokinesis does not occur, a cell with a multinucleate state is created. It will result in polyploidy.