6. During watching a scary movie, mention the effects on the following organs by the autonomous nervous system, in the table given below: (one has been done for you as an example).
6. During watching a scary movie, mention the effects on the following organs by the autonomous nervous system, in the table given below: (one has been done for you as an example).
OrganSympathetic SystemParasympathetic System
e.g. LungsDilates bronchi and bronchiolesConstricts bronchi and bronchioles
1. Heart  
2. Pupil of the eye  
3. Salivary gland  


OrganSympathetic SystemParasympathetic System
e.g. LungsDilates bronchi and bronchiolesConstricts bronchi and bronchioles
1. Heart Accelerates  heartbeatRetards heartbeat
2. Pupil of the eye DilatesConstricts
3. Salivary gland Inhibits the secretion of saliva causes dryness of the mouthStimulates the release of saliva