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39. Study the following diagram carefully and then answer the questions that follow:

  1. Name the cell labelled 1

b. Identify the phenomenon occurring in A.

c. Mention two structural differences between 1 and 2

d. Name the process occurring in B and C and state the importance of this process in the human body.

Solution –

  1. Name the cell labelled 1

Red blood cells

  • Identify the phenomenon occurring in A.


  • Mention two structural differences between 1 and 2
Red blood cellsWhite blood cells
These are minute biconcave disc like structuresThese are amoeboid and produce pseudopodia
Contains hemoglobin but no nucleus cContains nucleus but no hemoglobin
  • Name the process occurring in B and C and state the importance of this process in the human body.

The process occurring in B and C is phagocytosis . In this white blood cells engulf the particles and destroy them thus protecting them from disease