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Consider a binary operation ∗ on N defined as a ∗ b = a3 + b3. Choose the correct answer.

  1. Is ∗ both associative and commutative?
  2. Is ∗ commutative but not associative?
  3. Is ∗ associative but not commutative?
  4. Is ∗ neither commutative nor associative?


A two fold activity ∗ on N characterized as a ∗ b = a3 + b3 ,

Likewise, a ∗ b = a3 + b3 = b3 + a3 = b * a The activity * is commutative.

Once more, (a ∗ b)*c = (a3 + b3 ) * c = ( a3 + b3 )3 + c3 a * (b * c) = a * (b3 + c3 ) = a3 + (b3 + c3 )3

 (a ∗ b)*c ≠ a * (b * c)

The activity * isn’t affiliated. Along these lines, alternative (2) is right.