Explain Mendel law of independent assortment with the example of round seed, yellow cotyledon and wrinkled seed, green cotyledon with the help of checkerboard. And also explain Genotype and Phenotype ratio in F2 generation.
Explain Mendel law of independent assortment with the example of round seed, yellow cotyledon and wrinkled seed, green cotyledon with the help of checkerboard. And also explain Genotype and Phenotype ratio in F2 generation.


  • Law of independent assortment is based on dihybrid cross. 
  • It states that inheritance of one character is always independent of the inheritance of other characters within the same individual. 


  • A cross is made between homozygous yellow round seeds(YYRR) to another homozygous green wrinkled seeds(yyrr). 
  • In the F1 generation, all plants are heterozygous yellow round(YyrRr). 
  • When these plants is to self pollination in the F2 generation,9 plants are Yellow round, 3 plants are yellow wrinkled, 3 plants are green round and 1 plant is green wrinkled are formed.
  • The dihybrid phenotypic ratio is 9:3:3:1.