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What are deuteromycota?

what are deuteromycota
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Did you know that there are different types of fungi? In fact, fungi can be broken down into five different groups: 

  1. Zygomycota
  2. Ascomycota
  3. Basidiomycota
  4. Deuteromycota
  5. Chytridiomycota

Deuteromycota is a group of fungi that doesn’t have a sexual cycle, which means that their reproductive spores don’t come from fertilization by other fungal cells. This group includes the moulds and yeasts that we see every day. 

Deuteromycotina are thought to have evolved from zygomycetes during the Carboniferous Period some 300 million years ago.

Deuteromycota includes many important pathogens such as those that cause athlete’s foot and ringworm, but it also includes some species that are useful for biotechnology purposes such as those that can be used to make antibiotics or vitamins.

Read this blog to learn more about them!

What is deuteromycota?

Deuteromycota, also known as fungi imperfecti or mitosporic fungi, is a large group of fungi that lack sexual reproduction. Even though they are not capable of reproducing sexually, deuteromycota can still produce offspring through a process called mitosis.

Some common members of this group include penicillium (the source of penicillin), aspergillus (a common cause of lung infection), and saccharomyces.

Most deuteromycota are found in soil or on plant surfaces, where they help to break down organic matter. Some deuteromycota, such as yeasts, are used commercially in the production of bread, beer, and wine.

Other species of deuteromycota can cause diseases in plants and animals, including humans. However, some species of deuteromycota are beneficial to humans, such as those that are used in the production of antibiotics.

Characteristics of Deuteromycota

Deuteromycota have several characteristics that distinguish them from other groups of fungi. 

  • A major  characteristic is their ability to reproduce sexually through meiosis (the process by which 2 cells become 4) and gametangia (a structure formed by an individual fungus during sexual reproduction). 
  • Some species also reproduce asexually through mitosis (the process by which 1 cell becomes 2). 
  • They lack chitin in their cell walls, making them less resistant than other types of fungi
  • Many species produce spores with thick-walled walls and large pores called ascii spore sacs

Examples of deuteromycota

There are many examples of deuteromycota fungi, including some of the most common and well-known types of fungi such as yeasts, molds, and smuts. These fungi are often found in soil or on plant material, and they play an important role in decomposition.

More examples of deuteromycota fungi include Candida albicans (a type of yeast), Aspergillus niger (a type of mould), and Ustilago maydis (a type of smut). These fungi can cause problems for humans if they grow out of control, such as when Candida albicans cause candidiasis (thrush).

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