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Everything you need to know about preparing for the GAT general test

Everything you need to know about preparing for the Gat general test
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All universities require students to appear for specific entry requirements to test the aptitude and readiness for higher level studies. Graduate Assessment Test or GAT General is a test designed by NTS for assessment of candidates for admission in MS/MPhil, scholarships and recruitments.

Students planning without a clear understanding of GAT General, syllabus and dates, marking and weightage usually end up risking a year of no-admission. So, it becomes quite important to understand the entry test preparation guidelines. 

We recommend that a well-thought out plan for the GAT test should be in place to minimize the risk of mistakes. Now, let’s take a look at how students can prepare for GAT using the best test preparation strategies.  

Parts of GAT General test

GAT General test consists of following three parts:

  1. Verbal reasoning
  2. Quantitative reasoning
  3. Analytical reasoning

The weightage of each part in the test varies depending on the purpose of the test. For instance, if a student is taking GAT general for admission purposes, the weightage of each section may vary from a student who is taking GAT for scholarship purposes.  

The verbal reasoning GAT general test

Verbal reasoning part tests your grammatical knowledge and vocabulary with regards to its correct usage. The questions include:

  1. Correct usage of verb, adverb, conjunction and prepositions in sentences
  2. Synonyms and antonyms
  3. Analogies
  4. Tense related questions
  5. Questions on paragraph, title, and words

Guidelines for preparation of verbal reasoning :

  1. Prepare the application of tenses in the English language. Example: I have ____ a car.

(A) buy (B) bought (C) by  Answer: I have bought a car. 

  1. Prepare prepositions and their uses. Example: Don’t look ______ the sky. 

(A) at (B) about (C) in (D) over. Answer: Don’t look at the sky. 

  1. Most of the questions which test synonyms, antonyms and analogies are based on the SAT-I level vocabulary tests.

The quantitative reasoning in NTS GAT General 

Quantitative reasoning is based on simple arithmetic questions. It has easy questions but requires an approach that is shorter and somewhat different from the usual long methods. The questions are based on the following types:

  1. Arithmetics (questions involving addition, subtraction, division and multiplication)
  2. Percentage 
  3. Ratio and proportion
  4. Simple algebra
  5. Simple geometry (area and perimeter, for instance) 

Guidelines for the quantitative reasoning preparation

  • Remember that the difficulty level of quantitative questions is not very high. Therefore, do not spend a lot of time solving complicated questions. These are very easy questions because NTS GAT general tests a basic understanding of arithmetic and the related concepts. 
  • You will have to learn the short formulae to solve questions quickly. Example: What is the sum of numbers from 1 to 100? If you start adding all the numbers from 1 to 100, it will take hours. 

There can be several ways to solve, but one way is to know that when you add opposite numbers such as 1 and 100 = 101; 2 and 99 = 101; 3 and 98 = 101… You will have a total of 50 such sums. So simply 50*101 = 5050. 

  • For geometry, learn the basic formulas for calculating area of shapes (e.g. square, rectangle, circle) and volumes of bodies (e.g. cube, cylinder). 
  • Sometimes you may be asked to find an area of a different shape but that shape is actually composed of the regular shapes mentioned above. These types of questions are also not hard to solve.  
  • Remember to solve and learn all the mathematical theorems taught in grades 8 till 10. They will be very relevant in the geometry section and the question that test rations. 
  • Mental math is key to solving problems quickly. You will not only be sharper during the GAT test but will also be able to look at problems in different ways. 

Mental math benefits in GAT test

  • Calculating in your head is faster than doing calculations on a calculator! It can save your time in an exam and help you score very well on reasoning exams, like SAT, GRE, and university entrance tests like NET and GAT. 
  • Complex math is also based on simple arithmetic. So, if you learn mental math in your school, you will learn an important skill, useful for the rest of your life. 
  • A more active brain activity means that you are becoming more intelligent with every calculation! 
  • Not only does it let you perform operations in your head quickly and efficiently, but you also improve your analytical skills by stimulating your brain. 

Which calculations are possible with mental math?

  • Addition 
  • Subtraction
  • Multiplication
  • Division 
  • Square roots and cube roots 
  • Square of two, three, and four digit numbers

Analytical reasoning section in GAT test

Your analytical skills, attention to details, and situational processing skills are tested in this section. In the analytical section, you are given certain facts and rules. You are asked to process the facts by applying rules. The level of analytical reasoning is not higher than SAT tests. 

For example: Four cars are in a race with the following details: 

  1. Red car is behind yellow car.
  2. Yellow car is in front of blue car. 
  3. Blue car is in front of red car. 

If blue car has to win, which car does it need to overtake? 

Guidelines for the analytical reasoning preparation

  1. The questions are not specifically hard but demand your complete attention. If students get questions wrong, it is usually due to the pressure of the exam. Therefore, if you have practiced well, you will be in a good position to solve questions without getting confused. 
  2. While attempting the question, you will need to focus on the given conditions and questions at same time. This also requires practice. 
  3. A fun way to solve these questions is to make small formulae with the unknown x. Quick visualization of the problem is also a solution in many questions. For instance, there are questions which require you to make combinations of letters or things, while some cannot be placed next to each other. 

GAT Test general guidelines

  1. Time management during the test is of extreme importance. If you are very well prepared but cannot keep track of time, then you have minimized your chances of success. Good news is that you can easily change this by practicing! 
  2. With practice, you will know your pace of reading and answering MCQs.
  3. Don’t feel stuck when you come across a difficult question. Mark it and remember to come back to it. Remember to pace yourself even if you cannot answer a question. 
  4. Learn different ways of marking MCQs. You can choose the right option if you know it or cancel out all the wrong ones. 
  5. You will find out that all the parts of the test follow a pattern of questions. The more you practice, the more you know how to solve specific types of questions.

GAT General result 

GAT General result is available for viewing here

Tips for GAT test

#1 If you believe in yourself, you can do it

If you have belief in yourself that you deserve the best university in the country, you are more likely to increase your efforts and chances. Once you have this belief, you can conquer all personal and academic challenges. This is your precious opportunity to explore your better future, therefore, your confidence in your own self is the first step. 

Don’t underestimate yourself 

Pakistan isn’t just a handful of big cities and you can very well be a part of any university if you want to. Don’t underestimate yourself, have confidence and take a step towards a good education. 

#2 Focused study vs. distractions 

One common and prominent feature of high achievers is their ability to block out distractions, such as ringing phones, beeping notifications, emails, and everything social. Learning experts believe that distractions do play a very critical role in our failures and successes.

Set a timer for focused study 

The only practical solution is to put a stop to distractions before you start studying. Estimate a time of a minimum of 25 minutes of focused study before allowing yourself to see your phone. 

Find your distraction triggers and reward yourself

Studying for long hours is not hard. It just requires your determination to stay away from distractions, which begins by understanding what triggers your distractions. It is also beneficial to fix a reward for yourself before you start the focused study. The reward can be something as simple as calling a friend, enjoying a good meal, or chatting online. 

#3 Online test preparation

Education has changed and evolved alongside our lifestyle. You can now join an online test preparation for more convenience. The solution is not in guides, notes, and shortcuts, rather it lies in your hard work. Entry tests don’t test on highlighted or important topics only. Therefore, students need to prepare from test specific booklets and take classes with GAT experts. 

Need to know more test preparation strategies? You can have the best teachers instruct you how to get a good aggregate on your tests. Join test preparation online at Noon Academy today!