
A triangle ABC is enlarged, about the point 0 as centre of enlargement, and the scale factor is 3. Find: (i) OA, if OA’ = 6 cm (ii) OC’, if OC = 21 cm Also, state the value of: (a) OB’/OB (b) C’A’/CA

(i)\[OA\text{ }=\text{ }6\text{ }cm\] So, \[OA\text{ }\left( 3 \right)\text{ }=\text{ }OA\] \[OA\text{ }\left( 3 \right)\text{ }=\text{ }6\] Or, \[OA\text{ }=\text{ }2\text{ }cm\] (ii) \[OC\text{...

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A line PQ is drawn parallel to the base BC of Δ ABC which meets sides AB and AC at points P and Q respectively. If AP = 1/3 PB; find the value of: (i) Area of Δ ABC/ Area of Δ APQ (ii) Area of Δ APQ/ Area of Trapezium PBCQ

According to the given question, \[AP\text{ }=\text{ }\left( 1/3 \right)\text{ }PB\] So, \[AP/PB\text{ }=\text{ }1/3\] In \[\vartriangle \text{ }APQ\text{ }and\text{ }\vartriangle ABC\] As\[PQ\text{...

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1. (i) The ratio between the corresponding sides of two similar triangles is 2: 5. Find the ratio between the areas of these triangles. (ii) Areas of two similar triangles are 98 sq. cm and 128 sq. cm. Find the ratio between the lengths of their corresponding sides.

As per the given question, The ratio of the areas of two similar triangle are equal to the ratio of squares of their corresponding sides. Thus, (i) The ration is, (ii) The ratio is,

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In the given figure, Δ ABC ~ Δ ADE. If AE: EC = 4: 7 and DE = 6.6 cm, find BC. If ‘x’ be the length of the perpendicular from A to DE, find the length of perpendicular from A to BC in terms of ‘x’.

Solution: According to the given question, \[\Delta \text{ }ABC\text{ }\sim\text{ }\Delta \text{ }ADE\] So, we have \[AE/AC\text{ }=\text{ }DE/BC\] \[4/11\text{ }=\text{ }6.6/BC\] Or, \[BC=\left(...

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In Δ ABC, D and E are the points on sides AB and AC respectively. Find whether DE ‖ BC, if (i) AB = 9cm, AD = 4cm, AE = 6cm and EC = 7.5cm. (ii) AB = 6.3 cm, EC = 11.0 cm, AD =0.8 cm and EA = 1.6 cm.

(i) In \[\vartriangle \text{ }ADE\text{ }and\text{ }\vartriangle \text{ }ABC\] \[AE/EC\text{ }=\text{ }6/7.5\text{ }=\text{ }4/5\] \[AD/BD\text{ }=\text{ }4/5\] \[\left[ BD\text{ }=\text{ }AB\text{...

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Describe: (i)The locus of the centre of a given circle which rolls around the outside of a second circle and is always touching it. (ii) The locus of the centres of all circles that are tangent to both the arms of a given angle.

i) The locus is the circumference of the circle concentric with the second circle whose radius is equal to the sum of the radii of the given two circles. ii) The locus of the centre of all circles...

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From a window A, 10 m above the ground the angle of elevation of the top C of a tower is xo, where tan xo = 5/2 and the angle of depression of the foot D of the tower is yo, where tan yo = 1/4. Calculate the height CD of the tower in metres.

SOLUTION: Since, \[AB\text{ }=\text{ }DE\text{ }=\text{ }10\text{ }m\] So, in ∆ABC \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} DE/AE\text{ }=\text{ }tan\text{ }y\text{ }=\text{ }{\scriptscriptstyle 1\!/\!{ }_4}  \\...

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With reference to the given figure, a man stands on the ground at point A, which is on the same horizontal plane as B, the foot of the vertical pole BC. The height of the pole is 10 m. The man’s eye s 2 m above the ground. He observes the angle of elevation of C, the top of the pole, as xo, where tan xo = 2/5. Calculate: (i) the distance AB in metres; (ii) angle of elevation of the top of the pole when he is standing 15 metres from the pole. Give your answer to the nearest degree.

Let  AD to be the height of the man, AD = 2 m. \[=>\text{ }CE\text{ }=\text{ }\left( 10\text{ }-\text{ }2 \right)\text{ }=\text{ }8\text{ }m\] (i) In ∆CED, \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} CE/DE\text{...

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A vertical tower stands on a horizontal plane and is surmounted by a vertical flagstaff of height h meter. At a point on the plane, the angle of elevation of the bottom of the flagstaff is α and at the top of the flagstaff is β. Prove that the height of the tower is h tan α/ (tan β – tan α).

SOLUTION: Let AB be the tower of height x metre, surmounted by a vertical flagstaff AD. Let C be a point on the plane such that ∠ACB = α, ∠ACB = β and AD = h. In ∆ABC, \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}}...

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At a point on level ground, the angle of elevation of a vertical tower is found to be such that its tangent is 5/12. On walking 192 meters towards the tower, the tangent of the angle is found to be 3/4. Find the height of the tower.

SOLUTION: Let  AB to be the vertical tower and C and D be the two points such that CD = 192 m. And let ∠ACB = θ and ∠ADB = α \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} tan\text{ }\theta \text{ }=\text{ }5/12  \\...

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The angle of elevation of the top of a tower is observed to be 60o. At a point, 30 m vertically above the first point of observation, the elevation is found to be 45o. Find: (i) the height of the tower, (ii) its horizontal distance from the points of observation.

Let AB to be the tower of height h meters and let the two points be C and D be such that CD = 30 m, ∠ADE = 45o and ∠ACB = 60o (i) In ∆ADE, \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} AE/DE\text{ }=\text{ }tan\text{...

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Two pillars of equal heights stand on either side of a roadway, which is 150 m wide. At a point in the roadway between the pillars the elevations of the tops of the pillars are 60o and 30o; find the height of the pillars and the position of the point.

Let AB and CD be the two towers of height h m each and let P be a point in the roadway BD such that BD = 150 m, ∠APB = 60o and ∠CPD = 30o In ∆ABP, \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} AB/BP\text{ }=\text{...

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From the top of a light house 100 m high, the angles of depression of two ships are observed as 48o and 36o respectively. Find the distance between the two ships (in the nearest metre) if: (i) the ships are on the same side of the light house. (ii) the ships are on the opposite sides of the light house.

Let AB to be the lighthouse and the two ships be C and D such that ∠ADB = 36o and ∠ACB = 48o In ∆ABC, \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} AB/BC\text{ }=\text{ }tan\text{ }{{48}^{o}}  \\ BC\text{ }=\text{...

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A ladder is placed along a wall such that its upper end is resting against a vertical wall. The foot of the ladder is 2.4 m from the wall and the ladder is making an angle of 68o with the ground. Find the height, up to which the ladder reaches.

Let the height upto which the ladder reaches as ‘h’ meters. the angle of elevation is 68o \[\begin{array}{*{35}{l}} =>\text{ }tan\text{ }{{68}^{o}}~=\text{ }h/\text{ }2.4  \\ 2.475\text{ }=\text{...

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Two trains leave a railway station at the same time. The first train travels due west and the second train due north. The first train travels 5 km/hr faster than the second train. If after 2 hours, they are 50 km apart, find the speed of each train.

Let the speed of the second train be \[~x\text{ }km/hr.\] Then, the speed of the first train is \[\left( x\text{ }+\text{ }5 \right)\text{ }km/hr\] Let O be the position of the railway station,...

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A plane left 30 minutes later than the schedule time and in order to reach its destination 1500 km away in time, it has to increase its speed by 250 km/hr from its usual speed. Find its usual speed.

Let the usual speed of the plane to be \[x\text{ }km/hr\] The distance to travel \[=\text{ }1500km\] since, Time = Distance/ Speed As the ques suggests, \[{{x}^{2}}~+\text{ }250x\text{ }\text{...

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An aeroplane travelled a distance of 400 km at an average speed of x km/hr. On the return journey, the speed was increased by 40 km/hr. Write down an expression for the time taken for: (i) the onward journey; (ii) the return journey. If the return journey took 30 minutes less than the onward journey, write down an equation in x and find its value.

According to ques, Distance \[=\text{ }400\text{ }km\] Average speed of the airplane \[=\text{ }x\text{ }km/hr\] Also, speed while returning \[=\text{ }\left( x\text{ }+\text{ }40 \right)\text{...

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A hotel bill for a number of people for overnight stay is Rs 4800. If there were 4 people more, the bill each person had to pay, would have reduced by Rs 200. Find the number of people staying overnight.

Let the number of people staying overnight as x. According to ques, total hotel bill \[~=\text{ }Rs\text{ }4800\] Now,hotel bill for each person \[=\text{ }Rs\text{ }4800/x\] therefore,...

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A trader buys x articles for a total cost of Rs 600. (i) Write down the cost of one article in terms of x. If the cost per article were Rs 5 more, the number of articles that can be bought for Rs 600 would be four less. (ii) Write down the equation in x for the above situation and solve it for x.

According to ques, Number of articles \[=\text{ }x\] And, the total cost of articles \[=\text{ }Rs\text{ }600\] Again, (i) Cost of one article \[=\text{ }Rs\text{ }600/x\] (ii) also,...

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The distance by road between two towns A and B is 216 km, and by rail it is 208 km. A car travels at a speed of x km/hr and the train travels at a speed which is 16 km/hr faster than the car. Calculate: (iii) If the train takes 2 hours less than the car, to reach town B, obtain an equation in x and solve it. (iv) Hence, find the speed of the train.

(iii) According to the question, \[4x\text{ }+\text{ }1728\text{ }=\text{ }{{x}^{2}}~+\text{ }16x\] Or, \[{{x}^{2}}~+\text{ }12x\text{ }\text{ }1728\text{ }=\text{ }0\] Or, \[{{x}^{2}}~+\text{...

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The distance by road between two towns A and B is 216 km, and by rail it is 208 km. A car travels at a speed of x km/hr and the train travels at a speed which is 16 km/hr faster than the car. Calculate: (i) the time taken by the car to reach town B from A, in terms of x; (ii) the time taken by the train to reach town B from A, in terms of x.

According to ques, Speed of car = \[x\text{ }km/hr\] Speed of train = \[\left( x\text{ }+\text{ }16 \right)\text{ }km/hr\] Time = \[Distance/\text{ }Speed\] (i)Time taken by the car to reach town B...

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