Class 10

A triangle ABC lies in the co-ordinate plane. The co-ordinates of its vertices are A \left( 2,3 \right), B \left( 4,-4 \right)and C \left( 6,-7 \right). This triangle is reflected in the line y =0on to ΔA’B’C’. ΔA’B’C’ in then reflected in the origin onto ΔA”B”C”. Mention down the co-ordinates of ΔA’B’C’ and ΔA”B”C”.

In the question it is mentioned that, The co–ordinates of its vertices are A $\left( 2,3 \right)$, B $\left( 4,-4 \right)$ and C $\left( 6,-7 \right)$ Then, co-ordinates of ΔA’B’C’ under...

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Ms. Chitra opened a saving bank account with SBI on 05.04.2007 with a cheque deposit of Rs 11000.00. Subsequently, she took out Rs 3,200.00 on 12.05.2007; deposited a cheque of Rs. 8,800.00 on 03.06.2007 and paid Rs 2,000.00– by cheque on 18.06.2007. 
(a) Make the entries in her passbook
If the rate of simple interest was 5% pa compounded at the end of March and September, find her balance on 1.04.2008

(a) From giving data in the question, We have to make the entries in passbook, So, the table have 5 columns. The data in 5 columns are, DateParticulars Withdrawals Depots Balance....

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The apparatus shown in the following diagram is Garreau’s potometer designed to demonstrate unequal transpiration from the two surfaces of a dorsiventral leaf. Before keeping the leaf in between the cups, anhydrous calcium chloride (CaCl2) contained in two small vials were weighed and placed in both the cups. The ends of the cups were closed with corks through which two mercury manometers were connected. After few hours, CaClvials were taken out and weighed again.

1. What is the purpose of keeping CaCl2 vials inside the cup? 2. After few hours CaCl2 vials were taken out and weighed again. Will you expect any difference in weight? If so, give reason....

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Mrs. Khandelkar invests Rs 900 every month in a recurring deposit account for a period of 3 years at a simple interest rate of 8% pa.
(a) Find the total interest she will earn at the end of the period.
(b) Find the maturity value of her deposits.

From the question it is given that, Mrs. Khandelkar invests ₹$900$ every month in a recurring deposit account. Period = $3$ years We know that, 1 year = $12$ Months So,  $3$years = $3\times...

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Anurag went to a shop to buy a leather coat coasting 2,654. The sales tax on it is 9%. He requested the shopkeeper to reduce the price to such an extent that he has to pay only 2,616 including the sales tax. Find the reduction given by the shopkeeper.

Given The cost of leather coat is ₹$2,654$ The rate of sales tax $9%$ Calculation, Let, the reduced price if coat be$y$ Total amount of the coat $=y+9%$of $=1y+\left( 9/100 \right)y$ $=109y/100$...

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Laxman went to a shop to buy a fan costing 750. The rate of sales tax is 6%. He requests the shopkeeper to reduce the price to such an extent that he has to pay only 742 including the sales tax. Find the reduction needed in the price of the fan.

Given The cost of fan = ₹$750$ The rate of sales tax = $6%$ Calculation, Let, the reduced price of fan be$y$ Total amount of the fan $=y+6%$of$y$ $=1y+\left( 6/100 \right)y$ $=106y/100$ But, the...

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35. The diagram below shows part of the capillary bed in an organ of the human body. Some of the blood arriving at the capillaries at points labeled A, moves out into the spaces between the tissue cells. Study the diagram and answer the questions that follow:

(a) When the liquid from the blood surrounds the cells, what is it called? (b) Name any one important component of the blood which remains inside the capillaries and fails to move out into the...

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31. Give reason for the following:(a) The walls of the left ventricle are thicker than the walls of all the chambers.(b) Blood flowing away from the stomach and intestines is put into circulation via the liver and not directly. (c) The blood groups of both the donor and recipient must be known before transfusing blood.

(d) Only the veins and not the arteries are provided with valves. (e) Atrial wall is less muscular than the ventricular wall.(f) The arteries are deep seated in the body Solution – The walls of the...

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9.Given below are certain structures, write their chief functional activity.(a) Blood platelets………….(b) Neutrophils ……………..(c) Erythrocytes ……………..(d) Lymphocytes …………….(e) Bone marrow ………….

Solution : (a)Blood platelets : blood coagulation(b) Neutrophils : phagocytosis (c) Erythrocytes : transportation of gases (d) Lymphocytes : antibodies production(e) Bone marrow : destruction of old...

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