
(a) Explain the following phenomena with the help of Henry’s law. (i) A painful condition known as bends. (ii) Feeling of weakness and discomfort in breathing at high altitude. (b) Why soda water bottle kept at room temperature fizzes on opening?

(a) (i)  The bend is a condition that occurs in scuba divers. They have to breathe air under high pressure under water. Nitrogen gas does not dissolve in normal pressure. Under water, they will...

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Components of a binary mixture of two liquids A and B were being separated by distillation. After some time separation of components stopped and the composition of the vapour phase became the same as that of a liquid phase. Both the components started coming in the distillate. Explain why this happened.

An azeotropic mixture is shown when both the liquids A & B starts coming in the distillate and the vapour and liquid phase will have the same composition. Via distillation an azeotropic mixture...

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Two beakers of capacity 500 mL were taken. One of these beakers, labeled as “A”, was filled with 400 mL water whereas the beaker labelled “B” was filled with 400 mL of 2 M solution of NaCl. At the same temperature, both the beakers were placed in closed containers of the same material and same capacity as shown in Figure. At a given temperature, which of the following statement is correct about the vapour pressure of pure water and that of NaCl solution.

(i) the vapour pressure in container (A) is more than that in a container (B). (ii) the vapour pressure in container (A) is less than that in the container (B). (iii) vapour pressure is equal in...

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