
Mega Goal 1.3

By غدير

About Teacher


Teaching 3217+ students

قمت بتعليم 76497 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا Hello everyone . This is Ms. Ghadeer , an English teacher . It's such an honor to be one of Noon Academy staff . I'll do my best to help you learn , love and enjoy English .Best regards to you all

About Group

Group Duration

Started from March 12!

Curriculum Progress

0/4 chapters complete
الفصل الاولComplaints, Complaints
Need to Be Done + P. P. as Adjectives
Present Perfect tense + already...
Verb + Gerund
Object Pronouns + Need/want+infinitive
mind map
الفصل الثانيI Wonder What Happened
Past Perfect Tense
Can’t, Could, Couldn’t, Must, May, or Might
Independent clauses
Expressing Enthusiasm with Intensifiers and Adjectives
Conditional Sentences with Present and Future Forms
mind map
الفصل الثالثIf It Hadn’t Happened
Should Have + Past Participle
Conditional Sentences
Present Perfect
Expressing Ability, permission...+ If with past perfect
mind map
الفصل الرابعWhat They Said
Reported Speech
Word changes + Reporting verbs
Negative questions
Relative Adverb: Where + Indirect questions
Expressing Agreement + Disagreement
mind map

أهلا يا أصدقائي ... سنقوم في هذه المجموعة بشرح منهج أول ثانوي Mega Goal 1.3 وسنتدرب على حل أسئلة كثيرة . من يوم السبت إلى الخميس .. السبت / الساعة 4 مساءً الأحد - الخميس / الساعة 6 مساءً

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