
English Class for DAS Program

By Ahmed Bux

About Teacher

Ahmed Bux

Teaching 85+ students

قمت بتعليم 216 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا - British teacher - Master's in Education - BA (Hons) English Language and Linguistics - PGCE (UK teacher's license) Experience - 5 years total teaching experience - Currently (since 2018) teaching English Language and Literature in IB MYP and English Diploma - 3 years teaching GCSE English Language and Literature at third highest performing secondary school in UK - IELTS trainer - GCSE English as a second language

About Group

Group Duration

Started from September 15!

Curriculum Progress

3/6 chapters complete
الفصل الاولBig Changes
الفصل الثانيCareers
الفصل الثالثWhat Will Be, Will Be
الفصل الرابعThe Art of Advertising
The passive
Comparatives and superlatives As…as
Verbs look, smell, sound, taste with like + nounImperatives
Possessive adjectives and pronouns
mindmap 4
الفصل الخامسDid You Hurt Yourself?
الفصل السادسTake My Advice

This group aims to develop core English skills. You will be able to transfer these skills for success in passing exams such as TOEFL and IELTS. This is an invaluable course for college preparation. Have fun learning!

+ 85