
NAT Preparation

By Syed Omair Hussain

About Teacher

Syed Omair Hussain

Teaching 18007+ students

I taught 156360 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you.

About Group

Group Duration

Started from September 11!

Curriculum Progress

0/3 chapters complete
Chapter 1Section A: English
A1: Sentence Completion
A2: Analogy
A3: Antonym
A4: Comprehension
A5: Synonym
Chapter 2B: Analytical
Chapter 3C: Quantitative

The NAT (by NTS) is for the students who have completed 12 years of education, NTS has facilitated this eligibility testing service for merit based admissions in reputed institutions to candidates. The students passing NAT-I tests are preferred fore- mostly by all public and private sector institutions of Pakistan. These tests are comprised of 4 parts such as: Verbal English, Quantitative Reasoning, Analytical Reasoning and Subject Knowledge. NTS offers platform to deserving candidates with opportunity to show their capabilities and nourishing their academic skills through these tests. Moreover, NAI-I test is further comprises of six types which includes: NAT-IE for Pre-engineering NAT-IM for Pre-medical students NAT-IA for Arts and humanities NAT-ICS for Computer science NAT-ICOM for Commerce NAT-IGS for General science

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