
NEET 2021 Complete Exam Guidance by Priyanka Ma'am

By Priyanka.Jv

About Teacher


Teaching 11216+ students

I taught 150074 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you. Hi, i'am priyanka, M.Sc.,B.Ed.,JRF.,CTET. I'm an enthusiastic researcher with a passion towards teaching. Research field in Environmental toxicology. I strongly believe in this quote - "There are no bad students, it is the inflexibility of teachers"

About Group

Group Duration

Started from June 08!

Click here to join Priyanka Ma'am's workshop on Saturday 17th July 2021 at 8:00 PM. In this workshop, Ma'am will discuss about New Pattern, Form Filling & NEET Official Announcements - NEET 2021 with Live Q&As. In this Workshop, you all will enjoy every moment of getting the best knowledge.

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