productEnglish Medium - 12

(Free) - Physics

By Vicky Kumar

About Teacher

Vicky Kumar

Teaching 106125+ students

I taught 151606 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you. "Hi,  I am Vicky Kumar , with 3+ years of experience and have taught over 6.5 Lakh students online and offline, where more than 30 thousand students have cracked various Entrance Exams and many have passed with flying colours in their exams. I am a B.Sc. in Computer Science. I have taught in leading online and offline institutes. Attend my interactive classes by joining your friends in this group and clear all your doubts anytime."

About Group

Group Duration

Started from August 30!

Curriculum Progress

9/10 chapters complete
Chapter 1Electrostatics
Chapter 2Current Electricity
Chapter 3Magnetic Effects of Current and Magnetism
Chapter 4Electromagnetic Induction and Alternating Currents
Chapter 6Optics
Chapter 5Electromagnetic Waves
Chapter 7Dual Nature of Matter and Radiation
Chapter 8Atoms and Nuclei
Chapter 9Electronic Devices
Chapter 10Communication Systems
Elements of a communication system (block diagram only)
Bandwidth of signals (speech, TV and digital data)
Bandwidth of transmission medium
Propagation of electromagnetic waves in the atmosphere
Sky and space wave propagation
Need for modulation
Production and detection of an amplitude-modulated wave

In this group, Vicky sir will cover NCERT - Class 12 - Physics. The class will start on 30th August and be happening every day at 17:00.

+ 106125