productEnglish Medium - 12

(Free) - Biology

By Bhushan Hatwar

About Teacher

Bhushan Hatwar

Teaching 106597+ students

I taught 355346 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you. "Hi, I am Bhushan Hatwar, with 18 years of experience and have taught over 8 thousand students online and offline, where over 500+ students have cleared various exams. I am a Ph.D. holder and have taught in leading offline institutes. Attend my interactive classes by joining your friends in this group and clear all your doubts anytime."

About Group

Group Duration

Started from August 30!

Curriculum Progress

2/5 chapters complete
Chapter 1Reproduction
Chapter 2Genetics and Evolution
Chapter 4Biotechnology and Its Applications
Principles and process of Biotechnology
Genetic engineering (Recombinant DNA technology)
Application of Biotechnology in health and agriculture
Human insulin and vaccine production
Gene therapy
Genetically modified organisms- Bt crops
Transgenic Animals
Biosafety issues– Biopiracy and patents
Chapter 3Biology and Human Welfare
Chapter 5Ecology and environment

In this group, Bhushan sir will cover NCERT - Class 12 - Biology. The class will start on 30th August and be happening every day at 19:00.

+ 106597