productNCERT Grade 11 2023 Hindi

🆓 जीव विज्ञान 2023 🦠🧬

By Sunil Chobdar

About Teacher

Sunil Chobdar

Teaching 13194+ students

I taught 154499 students on Noon so far, and I look forward to teaching you. "Hi,  I am Sunil Chobdar, with 5 years of experience and have taught over thousands students online and offline, where many of my students have scored really well in their exams. I am M.Sc. in Zoology. I have taught in leading online and offline institutes Attend my interactive classes by joining your friends in this group and clear all your doubts anytime."

About Group

Group Duration

Started from April 18!

Curriculum Progress

6/7 chapters complete
Chapter 1जीव जगत
Chapter 2प्राणी जगत
Chapter 3कोशिका : जीवन की इकाई
Chapter 4पौधों में परिवहन
Chapter 5पादप में श्वसन
Chapter 6श्वसन और गैसों का विनिमय
Chapter 7गमन एवं संचालन
गति के प्रकार
कंकाल तंत्र
संधियां या जोड़

सर्वोच्च शिक्षकों के नि:शुल्क लेक्चरों के साथ आप अपने NCERT 2023 की तैयारी करें || प्रारंभ:4अप्रैल

+ 13194