productعلوم لغات

science 5

By Amira Mabrouk

About Teacher

قمت بتعليم 55 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا معلمة علوم(science) حاصلة علي بكالريوس علوم دبلوم كيمياء حيوية وتحليلية دبلوم عام تربوي دبلوم خاص فى مناهج وطرق تدريس العلوم باحثة ماجستير في مناهج وطرق تدريس العلوم

About Group

Group Duration

12 months, Started from August 16!

Session Timings (3)

tuesday 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
friday 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM
saturday 03:00 PM - 04:30 PM

Curriculum Progress

0/6 chapters complete
الفصل الاولplant needs
Activity 1 : Explain how the structures of a plant use water, air and light to perfom life processes
Activity 2 : Discuss with your child what the plant needs to grow and survive.
Activity 3 : Digital extension activity. ( growing the plant)
Activity 4 : Digital extension activity.( water in the desert )
Activity 5 : Discuss basic and not basic plant needs for photosynthesis.
Activity 6 : Help some seeds to germinate in a wet paper towel then compare their
growth to the growth of the other seeds which are placed in soil.
Activity 7: do an experiment to show the effect of light on plant growth.
Activity 8: Discuss some plant structures
Activity 9 : Discuss the different plant parts that take up and transport water, nutrients and air to make the plant food.
Activity 10 : do an experiment to observe how water and nutrients move from the roots to the leaves of a plant.
Activity 11 : think about the similarities and differences between the plant transport system and the human circulatory system.
Activity 12: Digital extension activity.( obtaining materials )
Activity 13 :Discuss how plants make their own food.
Activity 14 : Digital extension activity.( leaves and food production )
Activity 15: Discuss the function of flowers of plants.
Activity 16: think about ways of seed dispersal in nature.
"Activity 17: think like a scientist by answering a question about one of the main points of this concept "
Activity 18 :Digital extension activity.(farmer growing plants : irrigation
Activity 19 : review the main points in this concept.
الفصل الثانيenergy flow in the ecosystem
Activity 1 : how does energy flow through an ecosystem from plants to animals and between animals when they eat each other.
Activity 2: how hawk gets energy in an ecosystem.
Activity 3 : Digital extension activity. (all animals need food to survive )
Activity 4: Digital extension activity.(decay)
Activity 5: how animals eat food according to what these animals bodies need to survive.
Activity 6 : the Sun is the primary source of energy for all organisms on Earth to live and how different living organisms get energy.
Activity 7 : living organisms can be classified into three groups according to their way of feeding.
Activity 8 : how the movement of energy and nutrients through an ecosystem can be represented using model known as a food chain.
Activity 9 : make a model of a food chain.
Activity 10 : how all living organisms interact in food webs and we can draw these webs to show how organisms are connected within ecosystem
Activity 11: make a model of a food web using animals' cards.
Activity 12 : the food web is a model that shows many interactions among living organisms in an ecosystem.
Activity 13: Digital extension activity.(decomposition )
Activity 14: Explain how decomposers organisms make decomposition process.
Activity 15: Digital extension activity.(composting )
Activity 16: think like a scientist by answering a question about one of the main points of this concept
Activity 17 : how restoration ecology is very important for plants and animals that help them have a stable environment to survive.
Activity 18 : review the main points in this concept.
الفصل الثالثchanges in the food webs
الفصل الرابعmatter in the world around us
الفصل الخامسdescribing and measuring matter
الفصل السادسcomparing changes in matter

مرحبا بكم تلاميذى الأعزاء سندرس معا محتوى منهاج الساينس الخاص بجريد 5 من خلال عروض الباوربوينت والمسابقات الدورية والواجبات التحريرية والإلكترونية.

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