productBiology (لغات)

Biology for grade 11 (privet group )

By Dr/ Khaled Albegirmy

About Teacher

Dr/ Khaled Albegirmy

Teaching 63+ students

قمت بتعليم 1597 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا Hey =) I'm Khaled Albegirmy, a student in faculty of medicine Ain Shams University. I've been working on teaching for over a year now on my youtube channel. You can check me out on: I work hard to be on point and explain in a simple way using illustrations and graphics. I hope this group becomes of any help

About Group

Group Duration

Started from January 03!

Curriculum Progress

2/3 chapters complete
الفصل الاولChapter 1: Nutrition and digestion in the living organisms
الفصل الثانيChapter 2: Transport in the living organisms
الفصل الثالثChapter 3: Respiration in living organisms
Respiration In Living Organisms
Anaerobic respiration
Respiratory system in humans
Respiration in Plants
Experiment proves respiration in plants

Revision in 4 sessions every Sunday and Wednesday from 8 pm to 10 pm

+ 63