ثاني ثانوي

English final intensive revision For DAS Program

من Khalid Alzohairy

عن المعلم

Khalid Alzohairy

درّس 61+ طالب

قمت بتعليم 932 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا As an experienced middle and high school teacher, I have developed a passion and personal commitment to helping my students succeed. In my most teaching position at Dhahran Ahliyya Schools, I have developed highly effective lesson plans, motivational exercises, and performance assessments. I've helped improve test scores, and have received positive feedback from parents and fellow educators alike for my abilities in the classroom. My teaching style demonstrates dedication to fostering a positive learning environment to all students and maximizing individual student performance. The accomplishment I'm most proud of in my teaching career is empowering each student with the necessary life-long skills that enable him to interact with the world positively and even make changes that help make of this world a better place for everyone, no matter who he/she is, or where he/she comes from. Shifting from passive to active learning, switching from unified to integrated instruction, and transitioning from top-down to decision-making are all ways to help students be independent learners and risk-taking human beings. It also helps create a learner who applies the skills he gains, evaluates different situations, and creates solutions for problems he/she encounters. This will consequently help build young men and women who are open-minded, but not susceptible, proud of their identity, but appreciative to other individualities, argumentative, but empathetic. I believe I can contribute to the success of your educational institution in a variety of different ways such as, · enriching the study environment with reading programs that help students think critically about what they read, and connect it to their real life · helping students be better writers who master the different steps of the writing process · building assessments, both formative and summative, that reflect students' learning and provide an effective response to intervention for better learning · analyzing data provided by standardized tests such as MAP and ISA to know where students are, and where they are expected to be · assisting colleagues with cooperative learning and International Baccalaureate based-plans · initiating or taking part in extra-curricular activities such as Week Without Walls, Drama, Model United Nations, and Global Issues Network · taking effective parts in making of the school a positive learning community by communicating new ideas with colleagues in the school different premises · coordinating summer programs to sharpen students' language and communication skills · designing elective courses curriculum such as Social Studies, and World History through which students will know about the surrounding world and how they can interact with it.

عن المجموعة

مدة المجموعة

بدأ منذ October 29!

التقدم في المنهج

5/13 فصل مكتمل
الفصل الاولConnected by Technology
الفصل الثانيCrime Does not Pay
الفصل الثالثFar and Away
الفصل الرابعTV Around the World
الفصل الخامسWorking 9 to 5
الفصل السادسGoing Green
Gerunds After Verbs
Infinitives After Verbs
Simple Present Tense
Conditional Sentences
I’d Rather
mindmap 6
الفصل السابعEnglish skils
الفصل الثامنThere is No Place Like Home
الفصل التاسعThe Sporting Life
الفصل العاشرLaugh Out Loud
الفصل الحادي عشرYou Are What You Eat
الفصل الثاني عشرAmazing Animals
الفصل الثالث عشرWhat Would You Do
مرة واحدة|السعر شامل الضريبة

مجموعة المراجعات المكثفة والشاملة لمادة اللغة الإنجليزية للصف الثاني الثانوي 🗂️_ مع الأستاذ خالد الزهيري_ مراجعة في 6 أيام 📆ستشمل كل فصول المنهج وخرائط ذهنية، واختبار تجريبي لكل فصل..🗒️

اختبار تجريبي
اختبارات مسحيّة
>جميع الحصص مسجلة ويمكن الرجوع اليها
>المتابعة مع الطالب حتى اختباره
مرة واحدة|السعر شامل الضريبة
+ 61