
تحصيلي كيمياء

من د. مصطفى عبده

عن المعلم

د. مصطفى عبده

درّس 162+ طالب

قمت بتعليم 6343 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا Name : Mostafa Abdou Abdullatif Nationality Egyptian Specialization: Physics and Remote Sensing and GIS PHD Degree in digital soil map some area of egypt using remote senesing and gis M. Sc Degree in Soil Sciences, 2017 Obtained from: the Faculty of Agriculture, Department of Soil and water, tanta University, Egypt. Title: “Land resources assessment of wadi EL-Kubbaniya basin, south Egypt using multi and hyper spectral remote sensing and GIS techniques”. B.Sc. Degree in Agricultural sciences with “Very Good” (2011), soil and water Department- Faculty of Agriculture – Al Azhar university, Egypt. Participation in International Conferences and Workshops The NASA Land Information System (LIS): workshop for Egypt land th th applications. Held in Cairo, Egypt from August, 6 - 10 , 2017 ISNET/NARSS Workshop on “Earth Remote Sensing with Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR). Held on NARSS, Cairo, Egypt. 27/11- 1/12/2016 Planet Labs Interactive Workshop. Held at NARSS, Cairo, Egypt. 14- 15 June 2016. The 4th International ASD Users Meeting in Middle East “Analytical Spectrum Devices (ASD) Spectroradiometer”. Held at NARSS, Cairo, Egypt. 19th -20th of April 2016. 1st international conference on advances in soil science “ICASS” 2-5 May 2016 ALEX- EGYPT. Professional Training Courses Training course on: “Radar Polarimitry” held at NARSS, Cairo, Egypt in the period from 7-11 December 2014. Training course on “Geology of Egypt” held at NARSS, Cairo, Egypt in the period from 21/9- 1/10/2014 Training course on: “Manage contacts, Cairo, Egypt in the period 14/9/2014. Training course on: “Fundamentals of Physics Remote Sensing (RS1)” held at NARSS, Cairo, Egypt in the period from 24 - 28/2/2013. Training course on: “Advanced of Physics Remote Sensing (RS2)” held at NARSS, Cairo, Egypt in the period from 13 -3/2 to 4-4-2013 Training course on: “Faild spectroscopy Measurement and its applecation” (ASD Physics) Egypt in the period from 16 -18/3- 2013. International Computer Driving License ) ICDL) Training course on: “Display data“ held at HP life, in the period from 14/9/2014. Training course on: “Fundamentals of Geographic Information Systems (GIS1)” held at NARSS, Cairo, Egypt in the period from 2- 6/12/2012. Training course on: “Planet labs interactive workshop،،held at NARSS, Cairo, Egypt in the period from 14 -15/6/2016 Training course on: “Computer skills and the Internet Scince ،،held at Tanta unviersty, Tanta, Egypt in the period from 29-6/2016. . Training course on: “English language،،held at Center for International Studies of Remote Sensing, “ Tanta universty Egypt in the period from 29-6/2016. Contribution in Projects Land Resources Assessment of El-Galaba Plain, South Egypt for the Potentiality of Agriculture Expansion Using Remote Sensing and GIS Technologies, 2014. SUSTAINABLE AGRICULTURAL DEVELOPMENT BASED ON AGRO- ECOLOGICAL ZONES IN HALAYEB AND SHALATEEN AREA, EGYPT,2015. Assessment and survey land resources and land cover for the potentiality of agriculture expansion of Egypt using remote sensing and GIS technologies,2015. Potentiality of land and water resources in new reclaimed land in El-Moghra for Agricultural development,2017. Production of an Atlas for Hydrogeological Maps of the Southwestern Desert Egypt. A research Project Funded by Academy of Scientific Research and Technology (ASRT), 2015-2016. Planning for the Sustainable Development of Halaib-Shalatin Area, South Eastern Desert, Using RS and GIS. A research Project Funded by NARSS, 2015. Optimum Water and Landuse Planning Based on Natural Resources In Some Areas At Northern Part of Western Desert By Using GIS and RS, 2014. Geospatial Information System for Land Management in Sinai Peninsula: WP2 Water Resources Potentiality. A Research Project Funded by NARSS, 250 pp, 2013. Published research Land evaluation of El-Galaba basin, South Egypt using physics remote sensing and GIS techniques, 2016. ( poster).

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