
math grade 2

من Hanin zaineldein

عن المعلم

قمت بتعليم 2157 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا math teacher

عن المجموعة

مدة المجموعة

23 شهور, بدأ منذ August 08!

مواعيد الحصص (2)

sunday 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM
wednesday 04:00 PM - 05:00 PM

التقدم في المنهج

0/6 فصل مكتمل
الفصل الاولchapter 1
lesson1&2:the bar graph
lesson3:horizontal bar graph
lesson4&5:table and bar graph-solving problems about data
lesson 6to8:bar graph with a scale of 2 or 10
الفصل الثانيchapter 2
lesson 11&12:Doubles - Doubles plus one- Counting on to add and subtract
Lessons 13&14 Adding or subtracting
Lessons 15&16 Addition and subtraction word problems (Choose a strategy)
Lessons 17: 20 Finding a missing addend or a missing subtrahend
الفصل الثالثchapter3
Lessons 21&22 Hundreds, tens, ones and the place value
Lessons 23: 26 Different forms of 3-digit number
=Lessons 27&28 Comparing numbers using >, < or
Lessons 29&30 Ordering numbers
الفصل الرابعchapter4
Lessons 31&32 Commutative property of addition - Counting on and counting back
Lesson 33 Decomposing a 2-digit number
Lesson 34 Adding tens and ones
Lesson 35 Subtracting tens and ones
Lesson 36 Estimation to add and subtract 2-digit numbers
Lesson 37 Accepted or not accepted estimation
Lessons 38&39 Regrouping for addition
Lesson 40 Adding four 2-digit numbers
الفصل الخامسchapter5
Lessons 41&42 Two-dimensional shapes (2D shapes)
Lessons 43&44 Drawing two-dimensional shapes
Lessons 45: 47 Measuring length (Centimeter and meter)
Lessons 48: 50 Three-dimensional shapes (Solids)
الفصل السادسchapter6
Lessons 51&52 Gram and kilogram
Lessons 53854 Solving addition or subtraction problems involving mass
Lessons 55&56 Time "A.M. and P.M."
Lessons 57&58 Telling time to the half hour.
Lessons 59&60 Quarter past and quarter to


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