productBiology (لغات)

Biology Second Secondary

من Dr/ Khaled Albegirmy

عن المعلم

Dr/ Khaled Albegirmy

درّس 697+ طالب

قمت بتعليم 1597 طالب على نون حتى الآن، وانا أتطلع لتعليمك أنت أيضا Hey =) I'm Khaled Albegirmy, a student in faculty of medicine Ain Shams University. I've been working on teaching for over a year now on my youtube channel. You can check me out on: I work hard to be on point and explain in a simple way using illustrations and graphics. I hope this group becomes of any help

عن المجموعة

مدة المجموعة

بدأ منذ February 23!

التقدم في المنهج

0/2 فصل مكتمل
الفصل الاولChapter 4: Excretion in living organisms
Excretion in humans and animals
Human Urinary system and kidneys
Excretion in plants
Experiment proves transpiration in plants
Experiment to show water ascending in xylem
Experiment to show water ascending by transpiration
الفصل الثانيChapter 5: Sensitivity (irritability) in living organisms

study and practice Biology 🦋

+ 697